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- Me and Your Stories

Me and Your Stories

Me and Your Stories (MYS)
An Erasmus+ project (2019-2022), Key Action 3, Social Inclusion and Common Values, Support for Policy Reforms
This project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the European Commission.
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MYS - simply explained
In a short and easy to understand video we explain - in English - what "Me and Your Stories" is all about and how to use the MYS Toolbox.

What is the project about?
Very different personalities meet in a school community.
Gender, origin, mother tongue, religion, culture, physical and intellectual abilities, social environment, family structures - all these different qualities and characteristics of young people create a small but very heterogeneous society.

News from MYS
- Start of MYS European Teacher Seminar
- MYS Newsletter 1
- MYS Newsletter 2
- MYS Newsletter 3
- Erasmus Days Webinar
- MYS attending the 3rd Online Inclusion Congress
- International Round Table in Bukarest
- MYS attending the Conference for Social Inclusion Through Multimedia Storytelling
- Social Innovation Walk in Graz
- Conference in Graz

Undiscovered stories
Practical experience in schools shows that students often do not really know each other well, even though they are in the same school or class. Beyond their own small group, students know little about their fellow students' hobbies, culture, values, interests and family life. Many stories remain undiscovered, unshared and hidden.
The project "Me and Your Stories (MYS)" wants to change that.

Diversity as an opportunity
MYS sees this diversity as an opportunity and understands it as a form of social treasure that must be raised together with those involved.
The central element of MYS is the concept of storytelling, where critical thinking and human rights education are further trendsetting aspects. With the support of various online tools, the telling of one's own story is facilitated, the interest of others is awakened, and the exchange of perspectives is encouraged.

The learning module
Therefore MYS develops the inclusive and multimedia learning module MYSunderstood. It offers multimedia tools, instructions and tutorials and turns storytelling, listening and exchanging into an exciting experience.
The focus is on "my view on your stories" or "your view on my story". So it's not only about listening, but also about telling and reflecting on the stories of others. Thus a possibility is created to put oneself in the shoes of one's counterpart, to understand one another, to respect one another and to meet each other on eye level.

- reduces misunderstandings based on differences
- supports social inclusion
- strengthens shared values.
- promotes individualised learning.
The learning module will be freely accessible in all partner languages on the RIX Wiki portal beyond the duration of the project.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.