- Start
- Entelis


Accessibility skills
for technology-enhanced learning in an inclusive society
AnErasmus+ project
Projektnr.: 612194-EPP-1-2019-1-BE-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN, Duration: 24 months (15 January 2020 - 16 January 2022)
Erasmus+ KA3 project " Entelis+ - Accessibility skills for a technology enhanced learning in an inclusive society”

- EASPD, Belgium
- AIAS Bologna Onlus, Italy
- Funka, Schweden (https://www.funka.com/)
- Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
- European University Cyprus, Cyprus
- AAATE (Association for the advancement of assistive technology in Europe), Austria
- Saint John of God Community Services, Ireland
- Vocational Training Center MARGARITA, Greece
- Association of European Border Regions, Germany
- atempo, Austria

What is the project about?
The main objective of the ENTELIS+ project is to empower educators to support their learners and service users. It is about developing and implementing innovative methods and practices to promote inclusive education.
The ENTELIS+ project builds on the results of the previous ENTELIS project as an innovative example of practice in terms of cooperation and networking, involving the connection of public and private stakeholders from different sectors.
The project is also based on the methodology of the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPonAHA) to work at the local level, where network members commit themselves to achieve the objectives through concrete actions.
During the two-year duration of the project, the consortium will analyse the existing knowledge on accessibility and accessibility of digital services to promote inclusive education.
The partners will develop training materials and concrete plans to bridge the digital divide. During the implementation of the project, the partnership will also build the capacity of the main actors responsible for the design and implementation of supportive frameworks (public authorities and service providers).

We live in a Digital Decade. The digital skills became one of most important skills that one should have to fully participate in the society. But what does it mean exactly? ENTELIS+ project consortium created a Glossary with definitions of key concepts related to the key themes of the project, such as inclusive education and accessibility.

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