2. May 23

Anja Fuchs


"Right To Connect Now": The first research results on the topic of digital inclusion

Wir geben einen Überblick über die ersten Forschungsergebnisse.

6. Jun 20

Eva Bucht


Labor cost subsidies instead of short-time work

In a guest contribution for the “Standard” Walburga Fröhlich and Klaus Candussi argue for wage cost subsidies for social enterprises instead of short-time work.

18. May 20

Kathi Binder


MYS Call for Stories

Connect with at least 2 friends, share your stories about the times of corona and win a tablet!

15. Jan 19

Eva Bucht


ava now!

Celebrate the ava launch with us on 17 January 2019. Admission is free!

10. Jan 19

Veronika Fröhlich


Digital Competence by atempo Bildung

“I help teachers.”
In a very personal blog report Helin Süslü talks about her time at atempo and about her new job.