Social Franchise
Franchise means:
Several independent companies offer
the same services or the same products.
They all use the same name
for these services or products.
They follow the same rules.
The rules state how a good quality
of products or services is achieved.
Therefore one can be sure,
that the products and services
are equally good from all partners.
The partners work together voluntarily,
because together they are more successful than alone.
Social franchise means:
Franchise in the social sector.
Social franchise also means
that the jointly offered services
or products have a social effect.
The more partners atempo has,
the more people can use the products and services
of capito and nueva.
Social franchise partners work together,
so that they can work better and in several countries.
capito and nueva are not only to be found in Graz.
capito and nueva are also available in other cities
in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.