Who we are
atempo is a social enterprise from Austria.
Our vision is that all people can live, learn and work together equally.
We develop products in the areas of general education, integration into the labor market, accessibility and evaluation of social services.
Click here to go to the website of the atempo association.
What others say about us
"I'm glad I can be part of it!"
Michael Meyer, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Vienna
"What comes to mind, when I think of atempo: diversity, competence, high spirits"
Philipp Bodzenta, PR expert, Vienna
"We all need what atempo does."
Andreas Kattnigg, consultant in the non-profit area, Linz

Products and services
atempo develops products and services that make life easier for people with and without disabilities.
They help to ensure that all people can live, learn and work on an equal footing.
What's new?

Access to Leisure: We had Visitors in Graz
Find out the latest news on our Access to Leisure project.

"Right To Connect Now": The first research results on the topic of digital inclusion
Wir geben einen Überblick über die ersten Forschungsergebnisse.